Sunday, August 16, 2009

Old treasures on the ranch!

This ranch is about 130 years old, and we are lucky to own just a small part of it. One of my favorite places to scrounge around is the dump, or treasure spot (that's what I call it!). It's up by the irrigation ditch and by the old wagon road that leads to Colorado. Here I find beautiful pieces of purple glass and old bits of 1930's coffee cups. I keep them in a big glass jar in my studio and just love the faded out colors of too much sunshine. Here is an old Vaseline bottle circa 1910. Can't believe it's still together when you see all of the cracks! Also, a cup piece with wonderful fruit design and a bit of purple glass. I guess there was a house up there at one time and this must have been their dump. After every rain, I never know what will surface. But in the high desert, we don't get much rain, so I have to be patient!

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