Sunday, October 5, 2008

Goodbye Old Friend

Well, we had to say goodbye to an old friend yesterday. Molly was 14 years old and it was time to say good bye. She had been sick, so we took her in to the vet to be put to sleep. Very sad, but she had a wonderful life here on the ranch. Many happy memories. You were a good dog and you will be missed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This just broke my heart. I had been wishing that you would post some pictures of your doggies and here one is and how sad to lose such a good friend. My Buddy/Lunch Bucket is 1/2 Border Collie and 1/2 Austrialian Shepard and has the sweetest disposition in the world. We just got back from elk hunting on Boulder Mountain and at night in the trailer the four of us were spooning together in bed: Buddy, me, Bogey (our Jack Russell Terrier), and Scott. Very cozy. I am so sorry you had to let go of Molly. I will always remember the stories of her that you shared with me over the years.